The Best Mediterranean Diet Foods to Buy at Costco, According to a Food Writer

Olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, used for cooking, drizzling and marinating.

1. Olive Oil

Fatty fish are a key protein source for following the Mediterranean diet. And few fish are as celebrated, accessible and delicious as omega-3-rich salmon.

2. Fish

Along with fresh and frozen fish, there’s the outrageous selection of canned tuna at Costco.

3. Tinned Fish

If there’s ever a staple food you should buy in bulk, it’s grains. Whole grains are a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet and a smart switch from refined, enriched white flour products.

4. Whole Grain

All the foods mentioned above are vital and flexible parts of the Mediterranean diet, but nothing is more of a cornerstone ingredient than what’s grown from the ground.

5. Veggie

If you’re nuts for nuts, there’s no better place to go than Costco. I’ve been known to hazard weekend runs to the wholesaler just for their perfectly salted, perfectly roasted, gloriously extra-large nuts.

6. Nut

Greek yogurt is obviously a go for Mediterranean diets, and the good news is, it’s a go for savings at Costco, too. 

7. Yogurt