Chia seeds are a great food to add to morning meals such as yogurt, smoothies, overnight oats, or on top of your bowl of cereal.
Chia seeds
"This is a versatile plant-based protein source that can be used in various breakfast recipes,"
"Cook a lean cut of steak, such as sirloin or flank steak, and slice it into thin strips, then scramble some eggs and add the cooked steak strips to the eggs,"
"You can make protein-rich pancakes using ingredients like protein powder, cottage cheese, or Greek yogurt,"
Protein pancakes
Sometimes what you're craving for breakfast is a savory side item next to your scrambled eggs.
Turkey bacon
The centerpiece of many breakfast burritos and morning omelets, eggs are one of the most obvious choices for high-protein breakfast foods.
All dairy contains protein, but not all cheeses are equal when it comes to this macro.
Cottage cheese